Bug Bites vs. Chicken Pox: How To Tell the Difference

Bug Bites vs. Chicken Pox: How To Tell the Difference

Kids put us through the wringer. Whether we are dealing with scraped knees or sore throats, it seems like parents can’t catch a break. Just when you think you’ve discovered everything your kid might bring home, something new pops up. We’re talking about chickenpox.

If your kid has been scratching lately and you’ve noticed red bumps on their skin, you might be in the thick of it. Maybe there’s been talk of a few cases going around, and you’re worried it will hit your house next. If this is the case, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, We Are Digging Deep

This read is all about being able to identify chickenpox: symptoms and treatments. Wondering if it’s, in fact, chickenpox? We’re covering that too! There are a few other things that might be going on; we want you to be prepared no matter the outcome.

The Natural Patch Co. is all about keeping your kids safe the natural way. We are also dedicated to arming parents everywhere with everything we can to help do just this. We are here with the science you need and the relief options you can rely on.

Parenting isn’t easy; consider us now a part of your village.

What Is Chickenpox?

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a virus that is contagious and can strike anyone, anytime. While it is more likely and common in school-age children, anyone that has not been vaccinated against varicella can be affected.

It takes about seven days for the virus to work its way fully through your child’s system. Symptoms creep in slowly until they are fully experiencing symptoms. This is one of the main reasons why it can spread like an itchy wildfire.

It can generally take a day or two before parents realize what is happening. By then, your mini has come into contact with many people who can become infected. (Now, that is not a text you want to send out to all the neighborhood parents.)

What Are the Symptoms of Chickenpox?

Chickenpox often looks like other conditions, so knowledge is your best friend (along with the chickenpox vaccine).

Once contracting chickenpox, your child may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of Appetite

After these symptoms pop up, chickenpox takes full shape in the form of red blisters all over the body. These blisters are bright red and form in a rash, not one bump alone. They’re pus-filled, so scratching will cause them to burst.

It’s hard for kids, but scratching is a huge no-no. Scratching these blisters can result in popping them and inevitable scarring.

Prevent Scars and Stop the Itch

No one wants scars, but kids don’t understand that scratching equals scars. So to keep them from scratching, you’ll want to provide as much relief as possible. Treatment for chickenpox is simple, but it is a virus, so keep in mind you’re providing relief, not a cure.

Oatmeal baths are the perfect solution to the itching sensation from chickenpox. The warm water will relieve the aches and pains associated with fevers, and the oatmeal will calm the skin.

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers may be given, especially in cases of fever. It will also relieve a lot of the discomfort that comes with fevers and viruses, so your child can relax.

Keep Them Calm

Most days, it’s not an easy task, but keeping your kiddos calm while dealing with chickenpox is twice as hard. They’re going to be uncomfortable and want to scratch; keeping their mind off the itch is key.

You’ll need help keeping their minds calm, and we totally have you covered. Grab a few of our ZenPatch stickers for their clothing to put their minds at ease. The all-natural essential oil blend is the perfect recipe for a calm mind, and their bodies will rest better when their brains can do the same.

The best part is they go on clothes, not on skin. There might be lotions out there that claim calming qualities, but whose kid keeps lotions on long enough to be effective? These stickers are fun designs, and they won’t even notice they’re wearing them.

The Effect of Chickenpox on Adults

While chickenpox is generally seen as a child’s illness, adults can get it. If you were one of those kids who didn’t get chickenpox when the rest of your grade did, you could get it now. But be warned: symptoms can be worse for the older crowd. That’s why it is oh-so-important for adults to get the Shingles vaccine, even if they received the chickenpox vaccine as children.

You will want to have OTC fever and pain relievers on hand and use any sick days you have on hand. Even if you try, you will be useless at work, and you will need all the rest you can get to get better.

How To Treat Different Types of Bug Bits

Luckily, the chickenpox missed your house. Unfortunately, it means one of your kiddos was bitten by a bug. Identifying the bug bite at this point needs to be priority number one.

Different bugs will be accompanied by different types of bites, reactions, and bumps. You’ll want to know what bit you or your little ones in case a more severe reaction occurs. This is very common in children, as their bodies aren’t as prepared for a reaction to a bug bite.

Nevertheless, it can happen in adults as well, so you need to be prepared.

How To Treat Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are common, especially in the summer months. These bites are usually a solo red bump that is raised off the skin. They’re one of the larger bites left behind by bugs, and a more severe reaction will cause intense swelling and pain.

Before heading on an outdoor adventure, review the best mosquito treatments. Of course, prevention is the top priority, but these are great suggestions to have on hand when bites do occur.

Our motto is always safe and all-natural, so rest assured knowing these remedies are safe for you and the kids.

How To Treat Flea Bites

If you have pets in your home, fleas can happen. These are small bugs as well, so seeing them before they make you a meal might not happen.

Flea bites tend to come in packs, with a lot of small red bumps. They’ll itch, a sensation comparable to mosquito bites. It will look very similar to a rash due to how many bites you get all in the same place.

If you notice flea bites on yourself or your family, ensure that family pets get baths and treatments right away. Then start in on deep cleans for couches and carpets to prevent or stop any infestations that might occur.

How To Treat Tick Bites

Tick bites are usually spotted because ticks can stay attached to the skin. If you notice a bite, but no tick in sight, look for the other signs to be sure.

Tick bites tend to be painful, large red bumps. Therefore, you need to monitor these bites for a large red target, which could mean a serious tick-borne illness.

How To Treat Spider Bites

Spider bites are red bumps but are usually accompanied by pain versus itch. Another way to tell them apart from other bites? Spiders generally leave behind two puncture wounds.

Yes, they actually bite you like that. Monitor these bites carefully. Black widow and brown recluse venom will generally just cause discomfort in adults, but our kids could be in for worse.

In extreme situations, hospitalization can occur. If you notice one of your littles with a spider bite and they complain of pain, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

MagicPatch: All-Natural Itch Treatment

We know that bug bites happen, and they really itch. But thankfully, you’re not meant to suffer. So instead, you have MagicPatch. Our scientifically engineered patch technology is proven to stop the itch faster.

When mosquitoes bite, they leave behind saliva. It is the proteins in their saliva that cause us that itchy sensation. At the first sign of a bite, apply one of our patches directly to the bump. The patch technology will suck the saliva up to the top of the skin.

Once the saliva is pulled up to the top, the itching sensation will fade. What’s the best part? It’s safe for adults AND kids!

Rest a Little Easier

We are confident that the information we presented here should help you rest a little easier. Not only can you spot the differences in bug bites, but you can also tell the difference between these and chickenpox. It’s critical to get your family the treatments they need.

Being a parent is rewarding but hard work. Thankfully, you have our products and all our tips and tricks to give you a step in the right direction.


Chickenpox (Varicella) Signs and Symptoms | CDC

How to care for children with chickenpox | AAD

These Bug Bite Pictures Can Help You Identify A Mosquito Bite, Tick Bite, Spider Bite, And More | Women's Health Mag

Chickenpox (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth

Shingrix Shingles Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know | CDC

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