How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

If you’re anything like us, you love the sunny summer season. Beach days, pool parties, backyard barbecues, and bonfires — what’s not to love?

Mosquitos. We don’t love mosquitos. 

With the sweetness of summer, mosquitos are arguably the biggest nuisance. And depending on where you live, the little bloodsucking vampires may plague you all summer and throughout the rest of the year as well. 

That being said, while it may not seem like it, mosquitos do, in fact, die. However, their life cycles and lifespans are fine-tuned to survive, thrive, and bite — ugh!

Interested in learning more? The Natural Patch Co. has your back! Read on to discover everything you need to know about mosquitoes, including how long they live and the best way to keep them at bay. 

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Mosquitoes 101: What You Need To Know 

Infamous for their itchy bites and ability to spread harmful diseases, the only good thing about mosquitoes is that they don’t live very long. How long, you ask? Well, it varies — we’ll explain. 

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? 

The first thing you should know when looking at the lifespan of these annoying buzzing bugs is that female mosquitoes live much longer than their male counterparts. What’s more, females are the only mosquitoes with the ability to bite and feast on your blood. 

Unlike many other creepy crawlies with astonishingly short lifespans, the average female mosquito can live up to 42-56 days. Adult male mosquitoes, on the other hand, have a much shorter lifespan, gracing us with their presence for no more than ten days. Quite a difference, isn’t it? 

What Does A Mosquito’s Life Cycle Look Like? 

While environmental factors such as temperature and moisture can greatly affect a mosquito’s life cycle, it’s always comprised of the following four stages:

  • Stage 1: Mosquito Eggs

Male mosquitoes feed on sweet sugary plant nectar, while females extract blood from humans and animals in order to develop and nourish their eggs. Most lady mosquitos will lay their eggs directly into still water such as a pond, creek, or swimming pool. 

  • Stage 2: Mosquito Larvae

The mama mosquito’s eggs can hatch in less than 48 hours. The babies are known as larvae. 

Mosquito larvae are also commonly called wigglers because they look like tiny wiggly worms in the water. The larvae spend most of their time hanging upside down near the water’s surface, feeding on microorganisms like fungi and algae. They need to eat quite a bit so they can grow and molt four times. 

This stage lasts around two weeks. At the end of their final molt, the larvae are called pupae and are about twice as big as their original size. 

  • Stage 3: Mosquito Pupae

Unlike larvae, mosquito pupae don’t eat or molt. Instead, this important stage is all about transformation and metamorphosis into an adult mosquito. Within 24 to 48 hours, an adult mosquito will emerge and fly away to begin its new life.  

  • Stage 4: Adult Mosquito

Male mosquitoes often hatch first, followed shortly by the females. Once both sexes have hatched, a massive mating swarm will begin. After consuming a tasty blood meal, the female mosquito can lay up to a whopping 300 eggs, and the life cycle begins again. 

What’s the Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes at Bay? 

It’s really important to do everything you can to eliminate these pesky winged critters because they can carry harmful diseases and pass them onto you and your little ones. Not to mention, their bites are quite painful, especially if you are allergic to them

Here are a few tips:

  • Remove any standing water on your property. Stagnant water is a mosquito’s ideal breeding area. 
  • Cover up as much skin as possible. Opt for pants and long-sleeved tops. Not only will you protect yourself from bug bites, but you’ll reduce the risk of sunburn too!
  • Use BuzzPatch. Made using non-woven fabric patches, these mosquito repellent patches are infused with a combination of Citronella and other natural essential oils, which are perfectly safe for your little ones: No DEET or Picaridin. BuzzPatch is not only super easy (and fun) to apply but environment-friendly!  

Bugged Out 

So, how long do mosquitoes live, you ask?

Female mosquitoes can live up to 56 days, while male mosquitoes live no longer than ten. 

To keep your kiddos safe from itchy bites and harmful diseases brought on by the pesky bloodsuckers, use our all-natural, non-toxic, and DEET-free BuzzPatch. 

Mosquitos can be a huge pain in the derriere! But with our all-natural patches, you can keep these icky insects at a distance. 

Check out The Natural Patch Co. today and kick mosquitos to the curb tomorrow!



Is DEET Bad for You (and Your Kids)? | Cleveland Clinic. Mosquito Life Cycle | US EPA

Sun Safety Prevention | Healthy Children

Mosquito Patches for Kids

Mosquito Patches for Kids

A scientifically formulated and tested blend of highly effective, all natural essential oils that have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous communities to repel mosquitos.

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