What Essential Oils Repel Spiders?

What Essential Oils Repel Spiders?

They’re creepy and crawly and make us itch even when they’re not around. We are talking about spiders. Even though they’re great for the environment, we don’t want them in our house, but pesticides and other spray treatments are harmful to our families and the ecosystem. 

So how do we keep spiders away and do so naturally? We suggest using essential oils to further your cause! Essential oils have been used for hundreds of years to repel insects and are still powerful today. The validity in a natural path is there; we embrace these safer methods whenever possible. 

Today we are going to go over spiders, yuck, and how to keep them out of your home using all-natural essential oils. 

By the end of this article, you’ll feel as safe as a bug in a rug (or a rug that’s totally free of bugs). Read on for critical spider info and how to politely turn down their requests to hang out. 

What Are the Different Kinds of Spiders?

From bites to venom and everything in between, we have gathered a list of the top facts about spiders that will help you better prepare to keep them out of the house. 

Under the Sea

Did you know that there are spiders that can live underwater? 

One, in particular, the diving bell spider, will live its entire life submerged. They breathe air that’s trapped in bubbles using their webs. Their name comes from the unique shape of their web. This web is how they capture pockets of air. Occasionally the diving bell spider will travel to the surface to gather up bubbles, but it is infrequent. 

Social and Shy

Most spiders like to live their lives in solitude; these are known as asocial. There are, however, about eight species of spider that actually prefer a community life; these spiders are known as “permanent socials.”

What does a community of spiders entail, you may be wondering. 

Interestingly, it looks similar to other types of animals who travel in packs. These social spiders care for their babies, feed them and live and interact with other members of the community daily. A few types of spiders travel back and forth between life alone and life with a group. These guys are called periodic social.

High Flyers

You read that correctly: Spiders can fly. Technically, they float, but we don’t want to split hairs here and hurt their feelings.

Spiders, especially small breeds, will float a piece of silk into the air and allow the wind to carry them away. Using this method, spiders can travel hundreds of miles on a single piece of silk. 

Now we know where the inspiration for Spider-Man came from! 

Dancing Machines

If you’ve ever been paranoid that a spider jumped at you, but no one would believe you, trust us, we believe. 

Jumping and dancing breeds of spiders, like the peacock spider of Australia, are fascinating. Sometimes, these dances are used to attract mates, while others use their jumping abilities to attract prey. 

Where Do Spiders Like To Hide?

As a general rule of thumb, spiders prefer dark and damp spaces, wood piles being the number one location. Dark spaces are the priority here. Don’t be surprised when they make a home in a long-lost shoe or deep corner of the coat closet. 

One of the biggest ways, especially for those living in wetter cities, to keep spiders from being coaxed into the house is to keep wood piles away from the side of the house.

For many, a fireplace is both a lovely focal point of the house and a vital heat source in the winter. Those wood piles aren’t just for show, but spiders don’t know that. 

Spiders may bite when provoked, but they don’t really like to be bothered by humans. 

Keep in mind that brown recluse spiders love wood piles, and their bites can cause intense pain and irritation. 

Most Spiders Are Harmless

We may fear them, but most types of spiders are harmless. 

Of the spider biters, only a small handful have harmful venom. Those with harmful venom can come with intense reactions, such as severe swelling and pain. For relatively harmless bites, you can expect a red mark and minor itching or irritation. Identifying a spider bite versus another insect is key to determining signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for in the coming days. 

Natural Itch-Relieving Remedies

If you find yourself or your children have been bitten by a spider, we’ve got you covered. After washing with warm water and soap and thoroughly drying, apply one of our MagicPatches to the bite. 

These scientifically engineered patches help to pull the venom to the surface of the skin, relieving symptoms of itch and swelling faster. Though the MagicPatch was originally intended to soothe mosquito bites, it can also work for a variety of other bites.

The best part is the patches are waterproof. They last for three days without needing to be replaced, which means you’ll have relief that lasts. 

Repelling Spiders Naturally

At The Natural Patch Co., we like to do things as naturally as possible, whenever possible. 

Maintaining a natural approach to life means that the products surrounding you and your kiddos are effective but also safe to use and keep around the house.

When chemical pesticides like DDT were first introduced, they were thought to be a magic cure for insects. But as time wore on, scientists realized the truly harmful potential of these products. DDT was banned in the U.S. in the ’70s, but residues and residual runoff from this harmful substance are still found in the soil to this day. 

That’s why we rely on products that have been used for thousands of years, like essential oils. Indigenous peoples used essential oils for repelling insects before chemicals were introduced into our ecosystem, so we know they’re effective and safer than new chemical-based options. 

Let’s chat more about how to keep bugs away — the natural way. 

Best Essential Oils To Repel Spiders

The number one essential oil for repelling spiders is peppermint. Why? It’s a strongly scented oil. Since spiders smell with their legs, coming into contact with this potent oil is more than they care to handle or deal with, and it will keep them away.

If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective way to use this method in your home, try soaking a cotton ball in the essential oil. Leave that cotton ball in the corners of the house or dark spots that you want to protect. (However, if you have kids or pets who might want to eat that cotton ball, this method should be used sparingly or not at all.)

You could also buy a cheap spray bottle and periodically spritz those dark corners of your home. (If you have any teenagers, this may also help their rooms smell better in general —you’re welcome in advance.)

Spiders don’t want to live in close proximity to peppermint oil, and they’re more likely to find another house to crash in. 

Other Effective Bug-Repellent Oils

Peppermint may be the best scent to keep the spiders away, but it is by no means the only essential oil you can use to repel the crawling creatures. 

Other effective oils include:

  • Spearmint
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Lavender
  • Citronella 
  • Cedarwood
  • Tea tree oil

All of the essential oils on this list are strong, powerful scents and oils that intimidate spiders and have them rethinking their choice to move in. 

If you’re lucky, they’ll tell their friends to stay away too! 

BuzzPatch: Essential Protection

Spray bottles and cotton balls are great ways to safeguard your home from spiders, but what happens when you leave the house?

Will cotton balls in your pocket help keep spiders from hitching a ride on your clothes? Even if you were to use this method, we already know that the second you turn your back, those cotton balls are going to end up in your little one’s next art project.

Instead, we suggest using our BuzzPatch to keep you safe on the go. On the outside, these are cute and fun designs, but on the inside, they are filled with all-natural essential oils that repel insects. 

These stickers feature our specially formulated blend of citronella oils, used for centuries to repel mosquitoes. But as we said above, citronella can also be used to keep spiders away. 

The best part is kids won’t even notice they’re wearing the stickers; they’ll keep them on all day without worry or fuss. 

Arachnids, Be Gone! 

We are confident that these oils are your best defense against spiders, and we are sure our products will keep you and the family safe all day. 

Our main goal is a healthy and happy life, but living naturally isn’t so bad either! 


Spider Management Guidelines | UC IPM

Essential Oils Can Repel Mice, Spiders | Valley News

Tiny Dancers | University of Cincinnati

water spider | arachnid | Britannica

Social Spider - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

DDT - A Brief History and Status | US EPA

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