When Do Mosquitos Go Away?

When Do Mosquitos Go Away?

This is a question we’ve all asked at one time or another: When can I stop worrying about my children coming inside with itchy red welts? When do mosquitos go away? When is mosquito season?

Sadly, evolution has proven that mosquitoes are here to stay. Believe it or not, they actually do serve an important role in the environment. 

But, the good news? Regardless of how long or annoying your mosquito season is, The Natural Patch Co. is here to talk about all things mosquito safety, mosquito repellents, and how to fight nature with the power of… nature.

Read on for more. 

When Is Mosquito Season?

If only this was a simple question to answer. We all probably texted our friends this question a few too many times. (Usually, after our children were attacked by a swarm that left a bunch of itchy, red bumps in their wake.) Unfortunately, there’s not a clear and concise answer to this question. Mosquitos prefer warm weather, so “mosquito season” can vary depending on where you live.

If you’re in a colder climate, your season will be significantly shorter than it will for someone that lives in a warm, swampy environment. Unfortunately for some people, this means that “mosquito season” doesn’t truly ever end.

Can you already hear your kids shouting, “I GOT ATTACKED!” when are mosquitoes flying by? Same, same. Luckily, we have all the info you need to protect your little ones and keep them happy and bite-free. 

Why Does Mosquito Season Matter?

Mosquitos might be the most annoying pest we deal with. They are nearly invisible when you’re enjoying the great outdoors, but they definitely make their presence known! If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you’re no stranger to the incredible persistence these little insects can have.

Some mosquitoes can even bite right through your mosquito net canopy to leave you with itchy welts. This leaves you scratching the bumps as well as your head as you try to figure out how they managed to bite you there.

How Many Species of Mosquitos Are There?

The answer may surprise you. Not 10, not 25, not even 150 species of mosquitoes are out there. A whopping 3,000 different species of mosquitoes are flying around, waiting to bite their next victim.  

Some of these species are relatively harmless and aren’t even known to bother humans as much as wildlife. However, there are several that can carry diseases that can be passed to humans. Because of this, some species are considered more dangerous than others. 

While there are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes, you won’t find all of them in your backyard. Some are thriving in the more tropical locations in the world, while others are better suited to the colder climates and have the ability to adapt to a wider range of temperatures.

What Climate Do Mosquitos Prefer?

Mosquitos thrive in warm and humid temperatures, so when the first frost hits, many of them will disappear and become less of an issue. So, besides a snow day that cancels school, your children have a lot to look forward to when snowflakes start to fall. 

Anything under 50 degrees Fahrenheit/10 degrees Celcius is not optimal for a mosquito. These pesky bugs will start to dissipate when the temperatures start to hover around that mark. Unfortunately, warm areas (especially those around 80 degrees Fahrenheit) will see some mosquitos all year long. However, they may become more dormant during cooler periods.

Mosquitos swarm in droves, typically after the first warm rainy period of the year. They need to lay eggs in a wet environment, typically in standing water. This is good news for some dry climates that experience little precipitation. Even though they may maintain temperatures in the preferred range, their humidity and rainfall levels aren’t high enough to produce large numbers of mosquitoes. 

Where Do the Mosquitos Go?

This is a head-scratcher for many who haven’t researched the topic. mosquitos don’t migrate to warmer climates like some insects, such as certain types of butterflies. It really depends on the climate. In climates where it just barely becomes too cold for mosquitoes to thrive, they may find a hole in the ground or a tree to hibernate for the winter, coming out only when temperatures rise into a comfortable range to feed before going back to hibernation.

In cold climates, mosquitos will wait until the last minute to lay their eggs in water that will preserve them in a frozen state until everything thaws in the spring and the temperature returns to a comfortable range. After laying the eggs, many of these mosquitos in cold climates will die because of their inability to cope with the frigid temperatures. 

When Will Mosquitos Go Away in My Area?

As stated earlier in this article, the answer is largely, “it depends.” It depends on where you live. It depends on rainfall in a specific year. It depends on the temperature that year too. However, even with these variables, research has found that there are some general ideas for when mosquitoes will be active in your area. 

If you are not sure about the mosquito-related threats in your area, check a mosquito threat map. It is also a good idea to check in with your local city guidelines for insect safety practices or even your child’s primary healthcare provider to see what they recommend. Knowledge is power, and power is safety!

How Can I Avoid Mosquitoes?

Since mosquitos seem to be most present during the times we want to be outside, it’s no surprise that many people question how they can enjoy some fresh air and pleasant temperatures without being attacked by these pesky little guys. 

One solution is to remain in an area that is enclosed, such as a screened-in porch or gazebo. This allows for the enjoyment of fresh air without the intrusion of mosquitos and other bugs. Unfortunately, you won’t be seeing much sunshine in this scenario. 

You can also opt to cover as much skin as possible. While some species of mosquitoes are able to bite through some layers of clothing, a large number of them will not be able to do so. Long sleeves, pants, and socks can go a long way in preventing mosquito bites over most of your body.

Another option is to stay away from swampy areas. Mosquitos breed in wet places, so it is common to find large swarms in swamps or wet forests where they can thrive. 

Finally, avoid still air. While your hair may not be in the best condition, your skin will be less likely to have itchy red welts after spending time outside on a windy afternoon. Mosquitos are tiny and relatively weak, so they are less likely to be out and about during a windy day which means you are less likely to be scratching later on. 

Looking for more ideas to be a fan of? Keep a fan blowing indoors for optimal bug protection inside. 

How Can I Keep Mosquitoes From Biting My Kid?

There are many products on the market that advertise their ability to prevent mosquito bites. These range from the potent DEET products to natural options; there are hundreds of brands and products.

But so many of these are infused with harmful chemicals. So how do you know what is best for you and your family? 

First, What’s the Deal With DEET?

DEET is a short word for a long chemical formula that is used in many mosquito and tick repellents. The problem some have with DEET is that it does a lot more than repel mosquitos and other pests. It can be a concern to parents who are worried about applying chemicals to their children’s skin. These issues have parents questioning whether it is something they should allow their children to come into contact with

Parents have previously been frustrated with few natural options on the market. For too long, the market has been saturated with yicky chemicals. However, now, natural substitutes have become much more popular over the past several years. 

How powerful is DEET? DEET is able to melt some of the most durable climbing equipment. Some high rope adventure and rock climbing facilities are even banning the use of the product in their property or facility for this reason. It can also remove the waterproofing from your jackets, tents, and shoes if the product happens to come in contact with it. This makes the idea of this chemical coming into contact with our kids’ skin fill us with the ultimate parent rage/anger.

What Ares Some Natural Alternatives?

Natural alternatives to DEET have become popular among outdoor enthusiasts and parents. These products provide a repellent against the pesky, virus-carrying mosquitoes with the powers of all-natural essential oils. 

Here at The Natural Patch Co., we have created products that allow for safe, natural mosquito repellant. Our development of BuzzPatch, sticker-like patches that kids can wear to repel mosquitoes and makes outdoor time safe, fun, and just a little bit more stylish. 

Not only are these natural and effective patches a great alternative to DEET products, but who doesn’t love to wear a sticker? The fun designs and easy application makes wearability convenient for everyone.

But what if you forget your Buzz Patches and you or your kids are dealing with itchy welts? No worries! Stick on a MagicPatch Itch Relief Patch, and those itches will melt away in less than a minute.  

And Stay Away!

While you may never be able to completely avoid those pesky mosquitoes, there are solutions. While you could avoid the outdoors for the entirety of mosquito season, you’d also be missing out on precious family memories and adventures in the great outdoors.

Instead, you can rely on natural mosquito repellants for a safe and natural way to tell nature to back off: Your child is a no-fly mosquito zone.

Check, mate. 



Mosquito-Borne Diseases | NIOSH | CDC

Where do mosquitoes go in the winter? | Central Mass Mosquito Control Project

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes | This Old House

DEET Could Kill Your Waterproof Jacket | Outside Online

How Far North Could Mosquitoes Go If Climate Change Is Unchecked? | NPR

Mosquito Patches for Kids

Mosquito Patches for Kids

A scientifically formulated and tested blend of highly effective, all natural essential oils that have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous communities to repel mosquitos.

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